Saturday 3 August 2013

A few little notes and updates!

Hello there! I just wanted to tell you a few things that I shall be doing on my blog!!

First of all, thank you so much for all your views and comments!!! I cannot put into words how much they mean to me, I never thought that the blog would be as successful as it has been, I cannot thank you enough for sharing, baking and commenting on the blog. I will repay you all one day for all you have done!!!!

Secondly, I will now be posting on a Wednesday and Sunday, so keep checking back on a Wednesday and Sunday evening and a new post will be up. If not then I have really naughty and I will need to sort my act out!

Thirdly, there are some days when I may not have enough time to bake, which means that they could be a delay on a post, so if I know I cannot bake I will do a top ten list, one I have had in mind for a while is a top ten cookbook list, which is where I will talk about my favorite cookbooks and why I like them so much.

Thats all for updates and thank yous for now, I shall be putting up my Churros recipe tomorrow!

Thank you for reading!!!! XXX

Ellie X

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