Tuesday 8 April 2014

Easter recipe- Chocolate Creme egg brownies

Well this will harden your arteries! These are super super indulgent so much so I sat down to eat one and had to stop... I refused to eat a brownie, that is a first!

Surprisingly these are easier to make then first thought and has an instant wow factor!


  •  185 grams of unsalted butter/ margarine
  • 185 grams of dark chocolate (70% ideally)
  • 85 grams of plain flour
  • 40 grams of cocoa powder
  • 100 grams of Cadbury's Mini Creme Eggs
  • 3 large eggs
  • 275 grams of golden caster sugar

1. Preheat the over to 160 degrees centigrade/ 320 degrees Fahrenheit and line a small baking tray with baking paper. Break the chocolate into small chunks and add to a bowl along with the butter, place in the microwave and blast until melted. If you would rather do it over the stove in a bowl above water, then by all means but I had places to go, people to see and come dine with me to watch! Once melted place to one side to cool slightly.

2. Add the sugar and eggs into a bowl and whisk until light, pale, fluffy and double in size. Then pour the chocolate down one side, this will prevent any air being knocked out and slowly whisk until all combined. Make sure you have mixed all the chocolate by scraping around the mixing bowl if necessary.

3. Weigh out the cocoa powder and the flour and add again down the side. Whisk gently until all the dry ingredients have been mixed evenly. Pour into your lined baking tray.

 4. Now here's the tricky bit, remove the foil from the creme eggs and try to resist eating them... tricky I know but you will only cry if you eat them all. Place the egg on a chopping board and look for the line to joins the two chocolate shells together, take a knife and gently crack the egg open, then place on top of the brownie mix. Keep repeating this until all the mixture is covered with creme eggs, then place in the oven for 25-30. When you take it out, it should have a slight wobble in the middle.

 Leave to cool for ten minutes in the tin then transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling, then cut into pieces.

These are so rich and so yummy! These would make a lovely alternative to an Easter egg or just to spoil someone (or yourself!)

Next time I will be making a yummy lemon curd Easter pavlova!

And FYI around the world has its own facebook page, here you will find updates and all sorts of things! Please like and share!

Around the World in eighty bakes

1 comment:

  1. These look so good! And they're such a tricky bake to make! We made these for my housemates birthday recently and we just couldn't get the eggs to slice themselves in half properly - we found the trick was to keep the foil on when you cut if you're struggling! x
